We're 15 days away from the May 2 Spring2Action fundraiser.
Today, I'm asking for your help. How?
(1) Make a donation! Your donation, a minimum of $10, gives us a chance to win even more money through matching donations.
Today, I'm asking for your help. How?
(1) Make a donation! Your donation, a minimum of $10, gives us a chance to win even more money through matching donations.
(2) Share this message with your own lists.
In addition to cash prizes for the organizations that get the most donors and most dollars, the organization with the most donors by 8 a.m. wins an extra $500. The first organization to reach 50 donors wins $500 and the first one to reach $2500 in donations wins $500.
Our goal is to reach 50 donors and $2500 by 8 a.m - that would give Living Legends an extra $1,000! This seems infinitely do-able. Let's do it!
Here's the link to use for donations. Please share it on Facebook and Twitter and on your own email lists. Remember, what counts is not only the total amount raised, but the total number of donations.
You can donate on May 2nd--or if early morning, before 8 a.m. is not a good time for you--you can go to the link now and schedule your donation for May 2.
To schedule a donation, click on the link that says, "Schedule one for Spring2ACTion 2012." If you don't have a razoo account, you will be prompted to open one so your charge can be made on that day.
Later in the day on May 2, come back to the Spring2ACTion site, www.spring2action.org to see how Living Legends is doing on the leader board. The leader board provides instant updating so you can see where we are in the running.
Our goal is to reach 50 donors and $2500 by 8 a.m - that would give Living Legends an extra $1,000! This seems infinitely do-able. Let's do it!
Here's the link to use for donations. Please share it on Facebook and Twitter and on your own email lists. Remember, what counts is not only the total amount raised, but the total number of donations.
You can donate on May 2nd--or if early morning, before 8 a.m. is not a good time for you--you can go to the link now and schedule your donation for May 2.
To schedule a donation, click on the link that says, "Schedule one for Spring2ACTion 2012." If you don't have a razoo account, you will be prompted to open one so your charge can be made on that day.
Later in the day on May 2, come back to the Spring2ACTion site, www.spring2action.org to see how Living Legends is doing on the leader board. The leader board provides instant updating so you can see where we are in the running.